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About Campaigns

About campaigns

We run campaigns to fund and produce ambitious projects that would otherwise be challenging for us—as a small business—to realize. When you back a project, your contribution counts towards the funding or pre-order goal necessary to bring the project to life.

How to back a project

Backing a project is easy. On the dedicated page for each campaign, first simply select the edition, product, or desired amount you wish to purchase or spend. You can then continue to checkout to complete your purchase.

Do you take my payment right away?

Yes. Your payment will be immediately processed when backing a project or placing a pre-order. Your payment goes towards the specific campaign goal, which is clearly communicated on the campaign page.

Campaign goals

Goals are established based on the project's requirements. Typically, the target amount represents the minimum funding needed to cover the various expenses associated with the project, ensuring its successful execution. These expenses might encompass design, photography, writing, research, project management, manufacturing, and shipping, among others.

In the event that the campaign goal is not achieved within the allotted time frame, the project will be canceled, and you will receive a full refund.

Project Updates and Other Campaigns

As a supporter of our projects, you will receive regular email and social updates throughout the entire process, which might include news and exclusive behind-the-scenes insights.

We will be introducing new campaigns on a regular basis going forward, often including unique campaign-exclusive products or limited editions that may sell out quickly. We will keep you informed via email of any new, exciting campaigns as they happen!

For those of you who join us for these exciting opportunities, thank you. We love bringing beautiful things to life here at Cook and Becker, and we couldn’t do it without you.


We give a full refund for the amount you backed or products you bought during a Campaign when the Campaign goal is not met, or if you cancel your contribution while the campaign is still running. After a campaign goal has been met, production starts, and a full refund is not possible anymore.